The second edition of SophI.A Summit, Springboard for Artificial Intelligence, will take place in Sophia Antipolis from November 19-23, 2019. This event is organized by « Université Côte d’Azur », the « Communauté d’Agglomération de Sophia Antipolis » and the « Département des Alpes-Maritimes », with the support of Team Côte d’Azur and Sophia Club Entreprises.
This year’s format evolves into the “Week of Artificial Intelligence”, gathering key industrial, academic and institutional stakeholders specialized in AI. A total of four events will be held during the week, including the Summit flagship.
Monday, November 19th:
- AI Master Classes IA – organized by Telecom Valley
- Free of charge
- Registration mandatory
- Location : Campus SophiaTech, Espace Forum, Sophia Antipolis
- For further information : Florence Tressols
- Forum de l’éducation IA – organized by “Université Côte d’Azur”. The goal is to present the main AI-related training and career opportunities available in the region.
- Free-entry
- Location : Campus SophiaTech, Espace Entreprises, Sophia Antipolis
- For further information : Jean-Christophe Boisse
Wednesday, November 20th – Friday, November 22nd:
SophI.A Summit 2019 : For three days, conferences will be held by more than fifty European researchers and entrepreneurs. This second edition will explore the four main themes of the “3IA Côte d’Azur”:
- AI Fundamentals
- AI & Health
- AI, Smart Territories & Infrastructures
These topics will be given more thought during two round tables focusing on AI & Ethics, and on the impact of AI in companies.
SophI.A Summit 2019 is also sponsored by major industrial stakeholders including Amadeus, HPE, Accenture, Eurecom, Median Technologies, Orange, INRIA, the CNRS, and ICAIR (Industrial Council for AI Research). This federating event will gather all of the associations, initiatives, and partners which are structured around the “3IA Côte d’Azur”, and which contribute to the organization, growth and attractiveness of AI in the Azurean region.
- Location: Beachcomber French Riviera, Sophia Antipolis
- Register here
- Event website
- Tarifs Pass 3 Jours SOPHIA SUMMIT 2019
- Normal : 330€ + lunches & coffee breaks
- Partners : 190€ + lunches & coffee breaks
- Students : 50€ + lunches & coffee breaks
Saturday, November 23rd :
Public Talk « Artificial Intelligence doesn’t exist » by Luc Julia, Innovation Vice-President at Samsung, Author, and Coinventor of Siri.
- Free-entry
- Location: Palais des Congrès Antibes-Juan les Pins
- Register here