Economic Attractiveness of the South Region in 2023

Key Highlights:
* The South Region reaffirms its attractiveness with 117 foreign projects and 1,230 French projects in 2023, despite an unstable international context.
* The focus on ecological and societal transition attracts 40% of regional projects, underlining the territory’s commitment to sustainable development.
* Investments favor the creation of over 7,900 jobs, distributed between company expansions and new establishments, with a significant increase in expansion projects.

Attractiveness and International Investments

In 2023, the South Region once again demonstrates its ability to attract international investors, with 117 projects from 28 different countries, generating nearly 3,693 jobs over the next three years. This performance occurs in a context where international investment in Europe is declining. The United States maintains its position as the leading investor, followed by the United Kingdom and Italy, showcasing the geographical diversity of investment sources. The regional policy favorable to ecological and societal transition stands out particularly, attracting 40% of the projects, which emphasizes the region’s commitment to sustainable development.

Dynamics of Projects and Reindustrialization

The distribution of projects in 2023 reveals a predominance of company creations, which represent 62% of the initiatives, while extension projects show a significant increase, rising from 30% in 2022 to 38% in 2023. This positive evolution reflects the renewed confidence of foreign companies already established in the region, thereby contributing to the territory’s reindustrialization. Operations of Regional Interest capture 54% of the projects, illustrating the alignment of investments with the region’s sectors of excellence, particularly in the fields of smart tech, future industries, and renewable energies.

French Investments and Job Creation

Besides international projects, the South Region also welcomed 1,230 French investment projects in 2023, generating 4,120 jobs. These figures, presented for the first time, highlight the local entrepreneurial dynamism and the territory’s attractiveness for national initiatives. The sectors of naturalness, services to industries, and construction and public works dominate, reflecting the economic diversity of the region. French investments significantly contribute to the regional economy, generating 17.1 million euros in national taxation.

In 2023, the South Region confirms its attractiveness to French and international investors, despite an uncertain global economic environment. The region’s ability to attract a wide range of projects, its commitment to ecological transition, and its reindustrialization policy are all assets that contribute to its economic dynamism. The investments made result in significant job creation, thus strengthening the development and competitiveness of the territory.

Details of the investments can be found on the Rising Sud website.

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