Sustainable mobility: Invest in Côte d’Azur participates in EVER Monaco
Ever Monaco 2023
Virbac acquires its distributor in the Czech Republic and Slovakia to strengthen its presence in Central Europe
Virbac europe Centrale
Nicolas Drouillet appointed Director of Orange Grand Sud-Est
Nicolas Drouillet nommé Directeur Orange Grand Sud-Est
Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis welcomes Luxembourg’s tech industry
La Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur reçoit la tech luxembourgeoise
Nice Ville Verte Fund: Promoting Corporate Engagement in the Ongoing Greening of the City of Nice
Nice Fonds Ville Verte
La Petite Maison is exporting the culinary heritage of Nice and the Mediterranean
La Petite Maison Nice
FranceQCI: A project to build the future of the French quantum internet in collaboration with the University Côte d’Azur
The Nice-based start-up Qiti raises €1.9 million to accelerate the development of its universal health insurance offering with the help of AI
CAPENERGIES and the Cinov PACA Corse Federation strengthen their collaboration for decarbonization
Transition energétique CAPEnegries CINOV PACA CORSE