Grasse: Feeligreen raises €1M and wins a TOP TIC award
Silicon Valley Camp: « Entrepreneurs Inside »
team cote d'azur
SoFab: The Sophia Antipolis FabLab dedicated to the Internet of Things (IoT)
Sophia Antipolis: DynAdmic raises 3 million dollars
team cote d'azur
Axel Springer acquires 20% of the French search engine, QWANT
Qualisteo receives the European Innovation Award and the Smart Award at Smart Grids Paris 2013
team cote d'azur
Grasse: the Jobs and Crafts portal of the Perfumes, Aromas, Scents, Flavours Cluster gains momentum
implantations parfums grasse
Sophia: Sterlab opens a new laboratory dedicated to tissue engineering
team cote d'azur
Smart Grids: Ubinode SAS and GreenCom Networks GmbH join forces
team cote d'azur