and Ankama: moderating online video games

partenariat entre Ankama et

In a LinkedIn post dated August 22nd (see below),, based in Nice and Paris, announces a partnership with Ankama, a major player in online video gaming The partnership between Ankama and covers online moderation for the gaming world. With the introduction of the WAVEN game and the ongoing popularity of DOFUS titles, this […]

HighWind, the Nice-based start-up revolutionizing emergency calls with Artificial Intelligence

HighWind Nice

HighWind, an innovative company based in the Nice Côte d’Azur and Paris Metropolitan areas, is at the forefront of the emergency call sector through the utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and mobile applications. This start-up, operating in both the public and private sectors, offers enhanced and AI-optimized emergency call solutions. The main goal of HighWind […]

Launching of a Video Game Call for Projects by the Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis

Appel à projet Jeu Vidéo

The Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis is launching a new Call for Projects dedicated to the video game sector as part of the development of Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI). The main goal of this call is to select innovative initiatives which, when combined, will create a usage laboratory for a thriving video game ecosystem in […]

Nice: Caranx Medical Laboratories are one of the winners of the i-Nov Innovation Contest.

Caranx Medical Nice

Established in Nice in 2021, with the support of Invest in Côte d’Azur, Caranx Medical Laboratories are developing autonomous robots that can perform totally automated endovascular (heart valve replacement) or endoscopic (obesity surgery) procedures. Founded by Truffle Capital Fund, Caranx Medical is developing a technology that combines imaging data, artificial intelligence, and mini-robotics. This aims […]

Fair Vision democratizes the use of Artificial Intelligence in sports

Fair Vision Nice

Fair Vision, founded in Nice in 2019, is a sportsTech startup specializing in artificial intelligence applied to sports analysis. It is among the top 150 French startups that represented France at CES Las Vegas in 2022. The company designs and develops software solutions and autonomous video capture equipment to connect sports arenas, providing performance analysis, […]

AI Cluster and AI Booster France 2030: The Pillars of French Strategy in AI


During Vivatech 2023, President Emmanuel Macron announced a bold plan aiming to establish France as a global leader in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). The project is funded by France 2030 and includes a flagship initiative, the “AI-Cluster“, with a budget of 500 million euros. This plan aims to establish centers of excellence for […]

French Tech 2030: 6 Côte d’Azur startups selected

French Tech 2030 Côte d'Azur

“Announced on June 14, 2023, the French Tech 2030 initiative represents a new stage in supporting the emergence of companies developing revolutionary innovations. This initiative fully aligns the state’s financing and support strategy with the priorities of France 2030. The initiative aims to create a French technological offering to preserve French economic sovereignty, and startups […]

Insurtech: Qiti launches its application and presents it at Vivatech

Lancement app Qiti

The Nice-based insurtech Qiti has just launched its international health insurance application based on Artificial Intelligence. It will showcase its innovation during VivaTech 2023. This application, designed for digital nomads and frequent travelers, utilizes innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence, automation, and machine learning (ML). Its aim is to dynamically adjust the protection and coverage […]