Business opportunities in China: Suzhou technopole delegation to visit Nice

Suzhou industrial park Nice

Key Highlights: On March 15th, a Chinese delegation led by Mr. Zhang Feng, President of SISPark and member of the Board of Directors of Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP), will be in Nice to present the business opportunities offered to French companies in Suzhou technopole. Franco-Chinese technological and industrial cooperation is at an all-time high, with […]

Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolis : Two Startups Supported at CES Las Vegas 2024

The Nice Côte d’Azur Metrpolis, in collaboration with the Région Sud, will support the participation of metropolitan startups at CES Las Vegas, scheduled from January 9 to 12, 2024. This initiative is part of a strategic approach to encourage and enhance technological innovation within the region. The CES (Consumer Electronics Show) is a major event […]

Index French Blue Tech: The Excellence of Maritime Startups from the Cote d’Azur

Index French Blue Tech Cote dAzur

Key Points Launch of the “French Blue Tech,” the first index dedicated to French maritime startups, by the French Maritime Cluster (CMF). Selection of 35 innovative maritime startups, distributed across seven categories, for their growth potential and environmental impact. 9 startups from the South region including 4 from the Cote d’Azur: Inalve, Dees, Bioceanor, and […]

Earthwake Redefines Plastic Waste Recycling

investincotedazur earthwake

With an exceptional fundraising and national recognition, Earthwake establishes itself as an indispensable player in cleantech. In a year marked by significant advances in environmental technologies, Earthwake, a startup based in Nice, stands out with remarkable successes. Between an impressive fundraising of 2.2 million euros and a round table of 750,000€ on Wiseed (Source Tribuca), […]

Launch of the Med’Innov University Innovation Hub

Université Côte d’Azur : Med’Innov

The Med’Innov project, led by Université Côte d’Azur and Université de Corse Pasquale Paoli, along with 10 other founding members, is among the 29 winning projects of the University Innovation Hubs (PUI) call for proposals. The project will receive a funding of 7.5 million euros and aims to deploy a multi-impact strategy to address the […]

ExactCure Towards a Strategic Rapprochement with Quantum Genomics

Exactcure Quantum Genomics

Quantum Genomics, a company listed on Euronext Growth (FR0011648971 – ALQGC), has announced its entry into exclusive negotiations with ExactCure, a HealthTech company based in Nice specializing in the development of an artificial intelligence tool for personalizing medication intake. This strategic move aims to create a leading entity in the field of Digital Health. At […]

Microalgae: €2M Fundraising for Inalve

Inalve Metropole Nice Cote dAzur

Simultaneously a deeptech, cleantech, agritech, bluetech, and biotech company, Inalve, based in Nice, is an innovative industrial startup leading in the production of microalgae on biofilm. Its patented technology already represents an ecological and sustainable alternative to meet the specific needs of aquaculture and animal feed. As announced during our April 2023 interview, Inalve has […]

TravelTech: Sezame opens the door to experiences within luxury hotels

jean baptiste pinthon sezame

In this interview, Jean-Baptiste Pinthon, the CEO and co-founder of Sezame, delves into the origins and ambitions of his Traveltech start-up. Sezame aims to provide unique, non-accommodation experiences within luxury hotels to local clientele while offering hotels the capability to manage and monetize their facilities year-round. Could you describe the origins of Sezame? How did […]

Nice: Second Triumph for NOLT at Refashion’s Innovation Challenge

Nolt Refashion

The Nice-based company NOLT has distinguished itself for the second time by winning the 2023 Innovation Challenge by Refashion, along with three other laureates. This annual competition aims to promote innovative solutions in the recycling of textiles and footwear. NOLT’s awarded project, “Infinite Jersey,” is part of a circular approach and aims to transform used […]