Team Cote d’Azur gets a new governance model

team cote d'azur

On June 22, 2015, the 15 representatives of the association of Team Côte d’Azur met together to finalize the strategy for 2015. At the end of this general assembly, the representatives of the associations agreed upon a unique and unprecedented governance model, that of a co-presidency. This decision promotes Mr. Christian Estrosi, MP and Mayor of Nice […]

Diplomatic visit of the United States, first investor in the Côte d’Azur

On Wednesday, May 13th, Team Cote d’Azur welcomed Jane Hartley, the United States Ambassador to France and Monaco, and Monique Quesada, General Counsel for the United States’ State Department. Visiting under a banner of culture and economy The U.S diplomats wished to enjoy their visit to the area, experience the Cannes Film Festival, and discuss […]